How to Help

North Tahoe MTB operates on the generosity of our volunteers and supporters. Our administrative and coaching teams dedicate countless volunteer hours to the student-athletes. There are many ways to support our team and if you are interested in joining our volunteer team, please contact us at


Our team is comprised of volunteer coaches. During the season, we have two practice rides a week and we typically have up to 6 ride groups. We can always use more coaches.

NICA offers a comprehensive training program for new and returning coaches. The program provides the education and resources to ensure confident, competent, and empowered coaches. Serving as a coach is a rewarding way to inspire the next generation of athletes. Our coaches have just as much fun as our student-athletes!

Our coaches also receive many benefits and discounts from NICA and local sponsors. See select list at Coach Benefits.

More information about NICA’s coaching program can be found at NICA Coaching.


There are many ways to volunteer on the team. We can always use extra hands to bring snacks to practices and races, set-up the team tent at races, support fundraising and other administrative efforts, create year-end goodie bags, design and order team spirit items, plan year-end celebration, and more.


North Tahoe MTB is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and we appreciate any support that you can provide. All of the proceeds go towards the student-athletes. Funds are allocated to scholarships, team equipment and tools, coaches safety trainings, team snacks, team spirit items, and more.